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Trimmed Flower

Our trimmed hemp flower is available in a variety of different options, but is primarily meant for smokable flower products. Click the tabs below to read more about this option.

Trimmed Flower


We use a method of harvest that allows max yields with two passes. The first harvest we call "topping" to harvest the nicest looking flower for the smokable flower market.

After harvest, our flower is bucked and dried with light deprivation to the appropriate moisture level for trimming.

Before curing, the untrimmed flower goes through two passes on a machine trimmer.

Once trimmed, we sort flower into two size categories - "Retail" and "B-buds".

Finally, the products are packed in totes and cured in a dark air conditioned space.  

All hemp flower offered is below .3% Δ9 THC and is federally legal. CBD levels averaged around 15-18% for the 2018 season and we believe that from what we have learned this year, we will have even higher CBD content and yields this October.

Our customers are the base that we build our business from...they hold us accountable for our mistakes and show off our success. Please take a look at the reviews page for Treasure Valley CBD to see what people are saying about us. 

All hemp flower offered is below .3% Δ9 THC and is federally legal. CBD levels averaged around 15-18% this season and we believe that from what we have learned this year, we will have even higher CBD content and yields this October. 

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